

「香草期刊系統」的目標是建構一套簡單易用的中文學術期刊網站系統,主要提供給台灣的學術期刊使用。雖然近年來各種網頁出版系統在台灣可說相當普 及,Blog 在台灣也如雨後春筍一般蓬勃成長,然而,台灣的學院中所製作的各項學術期刊網站,往往仍然採用手工製作網頁的方式建構,而沒有一套適合的、方便的系統可供 使用,而許多國外的系統,往往也因為編輯傳統與習慣的不同,而不見得能夠妥善應用在台灣的環境中。

因此,我們使用 PHP 與 MySQL 開發「香草期刊系統」,透過許多 PHP 模組如 EzSQL、phpmailer等,目前完成了一套堪用的系統,期許日後能夠日漸完善。這套系統除了可以讓您上傳文章之外,也可以讓您上傳照片、附件檔 案,同時您也可以將最新期期刊的目錄,以電子郵件方式寄送給訂戶閱讀。


'Vanilla Journal' aims to create an easy-to-use publishing system for Chinese journals, especially for traditional Chinese users in Taiwan.

Yes, yet another CMS.

Since online publishing systems such as blogging systems are now popular in taiwan, however, there is still not a CMS for online academic journals or websites of the academic journals, colleges still use html editors such as Dream Weaver or Front Page to create an online journal and do not support database searching and advanced functions. In the other hand, most western systems cat not satisfy the needs of a Chinese journal since they are in different tradition.

'Vanilla Journal' is a PHP and Mysql based system and it's powered by EzSQL, phpmailer and so on. You can not only publish your article on web but also uploading images and attachments of other file types, you can mail the table of content of your most new published journal to the subscribers, too.



1.將下載回的 vj-0.2.56b.tgz 解壓縮,再將 vanilla-journal Folder Copy 到根目錄

2.登入 MySQL Create Database , 可自行新增帳密或用預設的。

3.修改剛複製的 vanilla-journal 裡面的 config.php.sample ,修改內容如下:

// The User Nmae of your MySQL Database

$config['db_user'] = 'user';

// The Password of your MySQL Database user.

$config['db_password'] = 'password';

// The Name of your MySQL Database

$config['db_name'] = 'vj';

// The host name of your MySQL Database. (It often should be localhost)

$config['db_host'] = 'localhost';

4.修改完之後,在 URL 輸入 http://Domain/your vj folder/  ,成功的話會看見 "您還沒有安裝 Vanilla Journal!"字樣。


6.最後會看見 安裝完畢,這樣就完成香草期刊系統的安裝。




修正 vj-admin/file-edit.php 檔案中的第217行。
將原本 echo "<a href=\"file-edit?page=".$f."\"> 編輯 ";
改成為 echo "<a href=\"file-edit.php?page=".$f."\"> 編輯 ";


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