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目前分類:WordPress (5)

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如何使用 FileZilla 來登錄 Godaddy ftp 呢?



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如何刪除 GoDaddy Primer Footer Credit 呢?

當使用 GoDaddy 提供的 WordPress 來架設網站時,頁尾的 Footer 位置都會出現 GoDaddy 字樣,如下圖。


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使用 Wordpress 預設登入後台頁面網址為「你的域名/wp-admin」或「你的域名/wp-login.php」。

不過你知、我知、別人也知,為了避免駭客企圖想入侵你的網站後台,可以將 Wordpress 預設登入後台的頁面網址改掉,


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Arthemia Free Part 3: Defining The Browse Categories Section

One of the best magazine premium themes released is Arthemia by Michael Hutagalung. It is packed with tons of features like great navigation, headline and featured posts, widget ready sidebars, multiple spaces for ads, and overall a wonderful way to display your most important content. Although Arthemia is a wonderful theme, the free version does not come with the extra features or the simplicity of the premium version which has an admin panel that allows you to customize the blog without dealing with confusing PHP. With the free version you must manually go in and add your blogs customization for the theme to work properly. This tutorial was created to make things simpler when customizing and dealing with the coding of the theme by breaking down coding in easy to understand steps and language.

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當安裝完 WordPress 之後,縮圖無法顯示,有可能是未安裝 php-gd。



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