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在 Windows Vista 中以系統管理權限執行 Visual Studio

若要存取本機 IIS 網站,您必須在使用系統管理員帳戶的環境中執行 Visual Studio。根據預設,Windows 會以有限權限的使用者帳戶來執行應用程式,即使您是以系統管理員身分登入電腦也一樣。


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Indication: ‘Request Time Out’ message from Windows 7 Computer and it’s not responding to ICMP echo requests from other network devices.
All network sharings are working but ping reply is not working , so how to enable ping reply in Windows 7?

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Have you ever noticed that with the Windows Vista Firewall enabled, you can’t use ping from another computer to see if your Vista computer is alive? Sure, you could take the drastic step of disabling the firewall for testing purposes, but the simple solution is to just allow ICMP requests through the firewall.

Note: Opening extra ports opens up security risks…  allowing ping isn’t a big deal, but it’s usually best to block anything you don’t need.

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Setup one:Select>Start>Set>Control

enable windows xp 

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【軟體名稱】:AntiU 1.2v、AntiU 1.4v

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【軟體名稱】:realplayer 11 繁體中文版



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Centos5.5 下安裝 ASUS p5p43td pro 主機板內建的網路卡驅動程式,其他Unix like的安裝方式應該大同小異。

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