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C# NET VNC Viewer

【檔案名稱】:NET VNC Viewer.rar

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If you are wondering how to run multiple Yahoo! Messenger accounts within the same PC, here’s how it can be done by just applying a simple registry hack.

  1. Go to Start Run.
  2. In the Run box, type regedit and click OK button to launch the Registry Editor.
  3. Now, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Yahoo > Pager > Test.
  4. On the right pane, right click , choose New > DWORD value.

    Yahoo messenger 

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Lesson2 - ATU-R的種類

ATU-R(ADSL Transceiver Unit - Remote)為ADSL的用戶端終端設備,經過分歧器,在PSTN上使用DSL技術和電信公司機房的DSLAM(DSL Access Multiplexer)相連,它因為是深綠色的外殼,所以又有個暱稱叫做「小烏龜」。各家固網所使用的ATU-R如下。中華電信CHT台灣固網TFN│東森寬頻電信EBT│速博Sparq

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注意!以下設定有一定的風險 如有錯誤 請自負責任

1。打開數據機 在目前正在使用中的網路卡圖示上按一下滑鼠右鍵,再點選【內容】。

hinet 小烏龜設定

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【軟體名稱】:VisualWget 2.4



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Arthemia Free Part 3: Defining The Browse Categories Section

One of the best magazine premium themes released is Arthemia by Michael Hutagalung. It is packed with tons of features like great navigation, headline and featured posts, widget ready sidebars, multiple spaces for ads, and overall a wonderful way to display your most important content. Although Arthemia is a wonderful theme, the free version does not come with the extra features or the simplicity of the premium version which has an admin panel that allows you to customize the blog without dealing with confusing PHP. With the free version you must manually go in and add your blogs customization for the theme to work properly. This tutorial was created to make things simpler when customizing and dealing with the coding of the theme by breaking down coding in easy to understand steps and language.

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