整個矯正的過程,很不滿意! 現在的牙齒整個很鬆動,水平又很不整齊,就算還要再次矯正,也未必可以!!
如果有要做牙齒矯正的人,切記!! 一定要找對醫師。
至於我的矯正醫師是哪位?哪間診所?在這可能不便說出...我只能說她是 "高雄醫學院牙醫" 畢業。
不要太相信 Yahoo 知識網友給的答案...因為這自問自答更多...
說那麼多,就是要告訴大家,矯正找對醫師很重要!! 齒顎矯正可是會影響臉型哦!! 臉型可是會跟著你一輩子哦!!
個人小小心得,曾在台大醫院給賴醫師治療過,很專業...至少與其他診所比起來... 轉載至:http://dentistry.mc.ntu.edu.tw/ntusd/ntusd_faculty_detail.jsp?faid=48 |
. D.D.S., National Taiwan University, 1992
. MOrtho., Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 1996
. M.S., National Taiwan University, 2004
■ 主要研究領域 -
異常咬合之診斷與治療金屬矯正托架與暫用贋復物間剪力鍵結强度之研究牙齒美白臨床治療及運用之研究齒顎矯正用微植體系統機械性質之研究使用牙齒色度測量計作為家用型牙齒漂白劑漂白效果之研究 |
■ 研究著作選列 -
1. Yao CC, Lai HH*, Chang ZC, Chen I, Chen YJ (2007). Comparison of the treatment outcomes between skeletal anchorage and extraoral anchorage in adult cases with maxillary dentoalveolar protrusion. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics: Accepted. (SCI)
2. Lai HH*, Chen SK, Chang ZC, Yao CC, Chen YJ (2007). Cephalometric analysis using digital radiography acquired by a storage phosphor imaging system: a comparison of reading soft- and hard- copies. Journal of Dental Science: Accepted.
3. Tung YY, Yang YH, Kok SH, Chang HF, Lai HH* (Corresponding Author),Yao CC, Chen YJ. Orthognathic surgery for severe mandibular prognathism - A case report of a mandibular osteotomy combined with an anterior segmental osteotomy and genioplasty. Chinese Dental Journal. 2006; 25(4) : 271-280.
4. Lin CY, Yang YH, Chen I, Huang CY, Kok SH, Chen YJ, Lai HH*, Yao CC. Orthodontic treatment with canines substitution for lateral incisors – case report. Journal of Dental Science. 2006; 1(2) : 79-87.
5. Lin YC, Yu CL, Lai HH* (Corresponding Author). Clinical application of forced eruption in fractured anterior teeth - Case report. Journal ofTaiwan Association of Orthodontics 2006; 16(3) : 38-43.
6. Lai HH* (Corresponding Author). Consideration and management of traumatic cases in orthodontics. The Clinical Review of Family Dentistry 2006; 1(4) : 60-67.
7. Chen CC, Lai HH* (Corresponding Author). Complication and management in removable prosthesis. The Clinical Review of Family Dentistry 2005; 1(2) : 20-39.
8. Lai HH*, Chen CC. Complication and management in orthodontics. The Clinical Review of Family Dentistry 2005; 1(2) : 54-64.
9. Lai HH* (Corresponding Author), Chang HF. Treatment of bilateral complete tooth transposition of maxillary canines and premolars – case report. Chinese Dental Journal. 2004; 23(6) : 491-497.
10. Hu YL, Lai HH* (Corresponding Author). Diagnosis and treatment of impacted tooth. Taiwan Journal of Pediatric Dentistry. 2004; 4(3) : 135-141.
11. Hu YL, Lai HH* (Corresponding Author), Huang CC. Analysis of transverse maxillary deficiency. Journal of Taiwan Association of Orthodontics 2004; 16(3) : 32-37.
12. Lai HH* (Corresponding Author), Chang HF. Analysis of Tooth Transposition. Journal of Taiwan Association of Orthodontics 2004;16(3) : 38-43.
13. Lai HH* (Corresponding Author), Kuang YT , Hu YL. Considerations of dental treatment for patient with congenital heart disease : A Case Report. Taiwan Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 2004; 4(1) : 28-33.
14. Lai HH* (Corresponding Author), Hu YL, Chang HF. Bridge between traditional and digital - slide scanner. Journal of Taiwan Association of Orthodontics 2004; 16(1) : 41-44.
15. Lai HH* (Corresponding Author), Chang HF. Application and analysis of digital 『Walking Management』. Journal of Taiwan Association of Orthodontics 2003; 15(4) : 60-64.
16. Lai HH* (Corresponding Author). The clinical application and analysis of the orthodontic software. Journal of Taiwan Association of Orthodontics 2002; 14(4) : 50-55. |